Scholarship News
Oct 25, 2018

Jayden Meyer Receives 2018 Otis and Mary Lee Molz Cooperative Scholarship
October 23, 2018 (MANHATTAN, Kan.) – Jayden Meyer of Athol, Kansas, a junior in agricultural economics at Kansas State University, has been awarded the Otis and Mary Lee Molz Cooperative Scholarship through the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center and the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University.
Jayden is active in Wheat State Agronomy Club, Collegiate Farm Bureau, Agricultural Economics/Agribusiness Club and Student Mobilization. He also practices with the K-State Crops Judging Team. He travels home on week-ends to help on the family farm. Jayden participated in an international student abroad experience to the Czech Republic in 2018. Upon graduation in May 2020, he hopes to return to the family farm and gradually start his own farm. The Meyer family is affiliated with the following cooperatives: High Plains Farm Credit, Midway Co-op, Rolling Hills Electric Cooperative and Trinity Ag.
The Otis and Mary Lee Molz Cooperative Scholarship has awarded over $82,000 in scholarships since its establishment in 2005. Otis and Mary Lee Molz have been contributing to cooperative organizations, education and development for many years and are respected leaders in the co-op community.
“The scholarship was established to honor and perpetuate the memory of the contribution of Otis and Mary Lee Molz and to encourage an interest in the formation, operation, management, leadership and economics of and participation in all types of cooperatives, including agricultural, financial, electric, telephone, housing and consumer cooperatives,” states Professor Brian Briggeman, director of the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center. “It’s also to provide significant financial assistance to eligible students enrolled in educational programs emphasizing these areas of study.”
To be eligible for the Otis and Mary Lee Molz Cooperative Scholarship, a student must be either a junior or senior in K-State’s College of Agriculture at the time the scholarship is received and be affiliated as a member or as a child or dependent of a member of a Kansas agricultural marketing, supply or service cooperative that is a member of the Kansas Cooperative Council.
The Otis and Mary Lee Molz Cooperative Scholarship is funded by contributions made to the KSU Foundation. Contributions have been made by Otis and Mary Lee Molz, their family and friends in the cooperative community. “Additional contributions by those who want to honor Otis and Mary Lee Molz and support the purposes of the scholarship are welcome,” Dr. Briggeman said. They should be made payable to “KSU Foundation/Molz” and sent to the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center, Kansas State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, 305 Waters Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506.
About the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center
The Arthur Capper Cooperative Center provides research-based information, education, and assistance to people with an interest in cooperative businesses, including cooperative members, directors, managers, and employees. The Center also works with students and faculty at educational institutions, the general public, and public officials as well as owners, directors, managers, and employees of agribusinesses. Further information can be obtained about this scholarship or about establishing additional scholarships by emailing Brian Briggeman at or visiting the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center website at

October 23, 2018 (MANHATTAN, Kan.) – Jayden Meyer of Athol, Kansas, a junior in agricultural economics at Kansas State University, has been awarded the Otis and Mary Lee Molz Cooperative Scholarship through the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center and the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University.
Jayden is active in Wheat State Agronomy Club, Collegiate Farm Bureau, Agricultural Economics/Agribusiness Club and Student Mobilization. He also practices with the K-State Crops Judging Team. He travels home on week-ends to help on the family farm. Jayden participated in an international student abroad experience to the Czech Republic in 2018. Upon graduation in May 2020, he hopes to return to the family farm and gradually start his own farm. The Meyer family is affiliated with the following cooperatives: High Plains Farm Credit, Midway Co-op, Rolling Hills Electric Cooperative and Trinity Ag.
The Otis and Mary Lee Molz Cooperative Scholarship has awarded over $82,000 in scholarships since its establishment in 2005. Otis and Mary Lee Molz have been contributing to cooperative organizations, education and development for many years and are respected leaders in the co-op community.
“The scholarship was established to honor and perpetuate the memory of the contribution of Otis and Mary Lee Molz and to encourage an interest in the formation, operation, management, leadership and economics of and participation in all types of cooperatives, including agricultural, financial, electric, telephone, housing and consumer cooperatives,” states Professor Brian Briggeman, director of the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center. “It’s also to provide significant financial assistance to eligible students enrolled in educational programs emphasizing these areas of study.”
To be eligible for the Otis and Mary Lee Molz Cooperative Scholarship, a student must be either a junior or senior in K-State’s College of Agriculture at the time the scholarship is received and be affiliated as a member or as a child or dependent of a member of a Kansas agricultural marketing, supply or service cooperative that is a member of the Kansas Cooperative Council.
The Otis and Mary Lee Molz Cooperative Scholarship is funded by contributions made to the KSU Foundation. Contributions have been made by Otis and Mary Lee Molz, their family and friends in the cooperative community. “Additional contributions by those who want to honor Otis and Mary Lee Molz and support the purposes of the scholarship are welcome,” Dr. Briggeman said. They should be made payable to “KSU Foundation/Molz” and sent to the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center, Kansas State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, 305 Waters Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506.
About the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center
The Arthur Capper Cooperative Center provides research-based information, education, and assistance to people with an interest in cooperative businesses, including cooperative members, directors, managers, and employees. The Center also works with students and faculty at educational institutions, the general public, and public officials as well as owners, directors, managers, and employees of agribusinesses. Further information can be obtained about this scholarship or about establishing additional scholarships by emailing Brian Briggeman at or visiting the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center website at